Friday, May 22, 2015

Too Many People?

Alan Weisman talks with Francesca Rheannon about the population crisis and how we can solve it. The Earth’s population is expected to be somewhere around 11 billion people by the end of this century. Alan says overpopulation already underlies much of the conflict we see in the world today, including Israel/Palestine and Pakistan. Also the population crisis means we’re going to have to produce more food in the next 50 years than has been consumed in all of human history.

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"He makes a strong case for slowing global population growth - and even for reducing overall population numbers - as a prerequisite for achieving a sustainable future...Weisman's book...offers hope... Weisman's emphasis on expanding access to contraception as the next-best strategy is both pragmatic and workable, as past efforts have shown. It is to be hoped that his message may be heeded sooner rather than later." ~ Nature magazine
Podcast source: writer's voice: Alan Weisman, Countdown

Abby Frazier

A New Climate

In just a few decades the coldest day you experience in January will be hotter than the warmest days your parents had in January and the hottest day you get in July (in the Northern hemisphere) will simply be hotter than any day anyone has ever felt in your city to date.

Scientists at the University of Hawaii have figured out a way to pinpoint when weather extremes at a given location will move outside the range of anything we’ve known in modern times. Geographer Abby Frazier tells Steve Curwood it’s going to be sooner then we might think.

Check out an interactive map of the climate departure dates around the world. Read the paper on climate departure here. Abby Frazier’s website is here.
Podcast source: living on earth: Climate Departure Date

Download or Play Too Many People Part 1
Download or Play Too Many People Part 2
Download or Play Too Many People Part 3
Download or Play A New Climate

Music includes Matrix movie - Choice, Capitol Steps - Ebony and Ovaries, David Rovics - Terror In The Skies, Capitol Steps - Guantanamo Driver, Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World, JFK 6-10-1963, Woody Guthrie - Jesus Christ, Playing for Change - A Music Revolution, Bette Midler - From a Distance, Matrix movie - A Slave, Dave Puls - We Won't Be Here Forever, Wizard Of Oz movie - If I Only Had A Heart, Pink Floyd - End The Blockade Of Gaza, Jimi Hendrix - Red House, Hair - Where Do I Go, The Bobs - You Really Got a Hold on Me, Modern Gustin Trio - Yellow Submarine

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